Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Letter to the Editor

The Mystery within...

I decided to post the following letter to the editor that I submitted to two local papers. If it doesn't get published, at least it will be read by someone. Even if you do not live in my state, or country, consider we are all in this together for a more just world.  

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I was privileged and proud to attend the first ever Ozaukee County Democratic Party fundraising dinner at the Cedarburg Cultural Center, October 17. There, “Pickin’ Up Speed,” a Bluegrass band playing down to earth music, entertained a sold-out crowd.  Bright blue, star-shaped balloons moved gently above tables where committed, enthusiastic citizens, all longing for a more just order in our government, shared a meal, and heard shining new democratic stars speak of equitable service to all.

The three Ozaukee County Assembly District candidates were introduced—Chris Rahlf, District 60; Liz Sumner, District 23; and Emily Siegrist, District 24. These three women encouraged my heart in knowing we are moving toward more equal representation through integrated gifts that both male and female bring to governance. US Congress District 6 candidate Dan Kohl spoke as well as Mandela Barnes, candidate for Lt. Governor. Congresswoman Gwen Moore from Milwaukee was the keynote speaker. 

Each speaker reflected Democratic values—respect for the dignity of all, a call for more equitable tax distribution, critical infrastructure maintenance, returning science to environmental management, investing in our children’s education, mental health, and providing adequate, affordable health care for all. Congresswoman Moore’s humor and pathos also gave us deep insight into the critical need for change in whom we elect to represent us.  

Committed and enthusiastic candidates, or their helpers, may be at your door between now and November 6 to answer any questions you have and to ask for your vote. I hope you’re lucky enough to meet some of these down-to-earth people in person, if you haven’t already. They’ve all been working hard to earn your vote. Be part of the Blue Wave, picking up speed, for a more just government of the people, for the people and by the people. Vote Democratic November 6.

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What if we all had the opportunity to vote for candidates committed to the respect and dignity of everyone and a just government of the people, for the people and by the people?