Monday, September 1, 2014

Sparks and Synchronicity

The Mystery within...

Allowing myself three weeks off from my Monday blog routine would not have happened without attending an early August weekend retreat titled “Listening to Your Journey.”  It helped focus me on knowing and listening to my true self, my life, and practicing good self-care (which oddly occurred to me, only I can provide.)  I pared down on preparations and expectations for the rest of August’s major activities that followed--primarily my brother’s weeklong visit, and then getting ready for, and spending a week at a family cabin in the north woods with my daughter, three grandchildren, and two puppies.  It was a very active month.

I entered my retreat with the specific intention that I know, and remember, I am not responsible for others’ happiness.  It was a most appropriate intention for the family gatherings that followed.  It focused me on being an observer of what was going on around me rather than trying to please or placate others.  And because of my observations I became aware of multiple synchronicities occurring in each day, for which I was truly grateful—from my daughter-in-law driving my brother to the airport, to alternative meal plans and activities with the children in the north woods’ soggy weather.

I have been visiting my late in-laws cabin, tucked in a woods on a lake, for 53 years now starting back when the main amenities were kerosene lanterns for light and an outside pump and privy for plumbing.  It is where my late husband and I honeymooned and later became an annual trip with our three children.  My visits there have become much less frequent now and are filled with nostalgia for all those who had enjoyed this rustic beauty and now somehow seem to live on in the pines, sunlight’s sparkle on the water, patter of rain on the roof, multiple hued sunsets, dark, sparkling night sky, and heady clean air.  I became aware of the many long-term synchronicities, born out of trauma and tragedy, which grew me.  And it occurred to me that I could be next in line to become a nostalgic memory.

Coming home to ankle high grass, loads of laundry and stacks of mail, I half considered prolonging my time off from my Monday blog one more week until there was a knock on my door.  There a friend stood with a small gift and card in hand for me.  She had just finished reading my memoir, “God Never Hurries” and told me her light had gone out but my words rekindled it.  On her card she wrote the following Albert Schweitzer quote:  “At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person.  Each of us has a cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.”  She wrote:  “You are the spark!” and she sparked me back into blogging.

What if we all became more observant of synchronicity that sparks gifts and growth in our lives?


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