The Mystery within |
Bolz-Weber, Author of "Pastrix, the Cranky Beautiful Faith of a Sinner & Saint" cautions us against judging others through the lens
of our own personality. When we do so she says “…we are distracted from
the better part”. I want to be open
to the better part in what others have to offer. I do not want to be judgmental. I pray my past, more narrow parochial
learning, will continue to be exposed.
There is much to sort out from what I had been
taught and experienced in my younger life.
“God Never Hurries” tells of my honest inquiry. The darkness of patriarchy was made known to me and the
natural world became my solace and teacher. No doubt I too have scandalized some in its writing
as I struggled to claim my life and voice.
But it is those struggles that informed, and continue to inform, my life
and my writing.
What if we were grateful more often when our
judgments of others are exposed?
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