Sunday, August 9, 2015

True Gifts

The Mystery within...
There is a heightened experience, in my mind and heart, when I know deep gratitude.  My recent knee replacement has allowed me to again feel true thankfulness.  Following my surgery I was faced with prolonged physical therapy.  For my PT I needed high-powered pain medication that precluded my driving to and from my appointments.  Ironically, my main motivation for finally consenting to this major surgery was fear in eventually loosing my coveted mobility and independence.  But through the kindness and generosity of Inter-faith Caregiver’s team of volunteer drivers, who shuttled me to and from multiple weekly therapy sessions from May to July, I came to know there can be gifts in dependence.

Those gifts are named Pat, Sandy, Joan, Ellie, Tory, Sharon, Esther, Steve and Philip.  Each one, in his or her own way, put me at ease with my dependence.  And the more I shared of myself on these rides, the more I learned of my drivers’ gifts.  Collectively, they let me see the world as having more good than bad, and to know dependence can sometimes bring blessings.

My physical therapy is winding down now.  I no longer need the high-powered pain meds so I drive myself to therapy.  But when I get in the car to go to my appointment I wonder whose gift I am missing.

What if we could all know the gift we are to one another?

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